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Wheel happy

Well, here we are again. September. Another new start (January is soo not the new year) with new goals and promises.

Which probably explains the serious increase in people trying to curb the fags and crack out the wheels lately. Tell me you've noticed it? An increase of panniers in the pub, helmet envy and competitive bike talk?


Now, bikes may be cool of late, but let's face it, the frames sure ain't.

Alright, there have been greats: Mongooses and banana seats, Biomegas and the motorised rides (my fave), but recently there hasn't been anything to write home about. Until today, that is; now there's also the Madwagon at oki-ni.

With American Chopper-esque frames (they may be hicks, but they do wonders with bikes) and interesting shades, these mad wheels make you feel like a kid again (Big Wheels!), while riding in grown-up style.

And the best part is, the seats look large and cushioned, which is a good thing, as we've grown and so have our backsides.

Madwagon - available exclusively at oki-ni
From £380
by ND
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