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A Life Too Harried
Potter stick

Harry Potter mania has yet again reached London. With the latest book being released tonight, and the blockbuster movie in theatres, it's all a bit much. Confession: we've never read a single Harry Potter book, or even seen any films, and we aren't going to start now.

So, in celebration of our HP embargo, we're suggesting some non-HP literature for your summer hols. Because, really, it's not your body everyone's judging pool or beachside, it's your book.

Christopher Hitchens is our secret (slightly embarrassing) crush, so we're very excited about reading his new book "God is Not Great: The Case Against Religion". If you're a close personal friend of Jesus, then this clearly isn't the book for you. But, it's a brave and thorough deconstruction of the major religions.
God Is Not Great: The Case Against Religion by Christopher Hitchens

Comfort your inner pop star with the new autobiography from Blur's Alex James, appropriately titled "Bit of a Blur". Blur was one of the best Britpop groups of the 90's, and James details just how fabulous his rockstar life really was.
Bit of a Blur by Alex James

Some might say that Katie Price, aka Jordan, isn't their idea of a literary genius, but we quite like the girl, and her books aren't bad (perhaps because they're ghostwritten). Following the success of her first 'novel' 'Angel', Crystal is darker, exploring the rise of an aspiring singer chasing fame. Sound familiar?
Crystal by Katie Price

And for more summer reads, head down to The Pan Bookshop, that will be having a HP night with a twist tonight. As well as releasing Potter and the Deathly Hallows, they'll be focussing on other books as well.
The Pan Bookshop, 158 Fulham Road, SW10

by EC
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