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Just when we thought Morocco was o-v-e-r, looks like it might not be time to ditch the ol' kaftan yet, as there's been a recent wave of all things Moorish coming through.

First up, today, from the people behind Pasha in SW7, comes the souk-style Kenza in Bishopsgate, promising fragrant mezze and rose petal-scattered booths to lounge in late into the evening. So Pasha with an East End crowd then.

Next up, we have Moro's Sunday Lunch Club starting up again on September 16. The first one is The Delights of Sherry, Lessons from the oldest bodegas in Jerez, including tapas, a four course lunch and a wide selection of sherries; not a bad way to spend a Sunday!

And lastly, if you're looking for some October sun, book into the recently opened Villa Shayanne in Marrakech, just 8km from the medina. We like the fact it has a putting and chipping green; probably cheaper to learn to put here than in Richmond - if you aren't adverse to a Sleazyjet, that is.

10 Devonshire Sq, EC2 - 020 7929 5533
34 Exmouth Market, EC1 - 020 7833 8336
Villa Shayanne
Marrakech - 0845 227 0141

by ND
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