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Monkey Magic

Now as you know, we've always been partial to a few guerrilla tactics here at UJs. Flash mobs, pop up bars and shops, secret gigs - if it's temporary, ephemeral and covetable, we've namechecked it.

So we feel a responsibility to inform you of the latest developments in this monkey movement, which make yesterday's look positively banal.

Gaining wide acclaim from those in the know, The Factory's secret performances of Hamlet have been eliciting smiles of wonder and delight from friends and others throughout the autumn.

Perhaps it's the concept that keeps it so fresh. Performances are random and sporadic, never announced more than a few days in advance. Taking place in various venues - from fringe theatres to disused spaces; audience members can sit where they like (even on stage); the actors don't know which part they're going to play until they step onto the proscenium, and the only props are those provided by the audience (don't forget to bring along some lithium for poor Ophelia).

They say it's all about the process, but here at UJ we have to confess to being all about the concept. Because, what with guerrilla members' clubs and even hotels popping up, we're all about the surprise in not knowing when, where or in what form something might appear next.

The Factory

by VG
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