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Time Killer
Kill some time... Perhaps with the 'Life's too long not to waste time' exercise book from atypyk.com - or donate some to charity through TimeBank.org.ukmunity

Even if we haven't dropped dead from alcohol poisoning after binge-drinking on New Year's Eve, we probably haven't upped our chances of being let through the Pearly Gates, either.

Between priding ourselves on the beautiful pressies that we put under the tree and cursing the crap that we got in return, secretly lusting for friends' squeezes and re-thinking our own, none of the Seven Deadly Sins seem to have gone unchecked over the holidays.

It's major St. Peter suck-up time. And what better way to do it than engaging in a little charity work?

Relax, we know that Mother Teresa-style headcovers don't go well with your Ugg's, so we're not asking you to make major lifestyle changes - and beatification is probably a few years away in any case. But volunteering has never been easier since the birth of TimeBank.

Simply register your interests, skills and time available, and TimeBank will match you up with volunteering opportunities. It's never been so easy to do good.

TimeBank - www.timebank.org.uk

by ND
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