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Originally published on Friday, 1st December 2006

Who's Jim


Look, we don't want to alarm you but in less than four weeks, everyone will be talking about dieting.

Now, DON'T do anything rash. Basically, there is still a full month to stuff your face with cocktail sausage rolls, multiple mincemeat tarts, and as much liquor as your poor damaged liver can handle.

But, yes, the season of detox is fast approaching, and, come January, you'll have no one to go for a drink with after work. What's worse, the chubby work experience will refuse to do the 4pm chocolate run. So stock up now while it's the season of giving.

Oh dear. What's a pre-alcoholic with a kebab addiction to do? Well, if you can't beat them, join them, we say. And if you going to participate in something as vile as physical exercise, you might as well do it in style.

Gymbox is a "boutique gym" (although this is their second "branch") that takes the work out of working out. With live nightly DJs, novel classes like 'Gladiator Games' and a focus on a 'young and attractive' membership base, Gymbox is basically your average wine bar, except everyone is in very expensive trackies and, well, panting.

A little hint. Next season's gym accessory - the silver flask. Keeps "water" so much colder.

Gymbox - now also at 42-49 St Martin's Lane, WC2. Membership from £58 per month - 020 7395 0270

by EC

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