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Originally published on Friday, 6th February 2009

Bar Fly

Beating the Winter Blues


Some bars that are opening and are already open, and a nice little application of Scotch to fend off those winter blues…


It is a commonly cited truism that the drinks industry is the last to fall and the first to recover during a recession. And yet, given our overwhelming ocean of drinking dens (many of which barely tickle the skirts of mediocrity), we’ll have to wait to judge the final veracity of that old nugget. Will there be more luxury cocktail dens like Molton House? Or a surge in low-key locals, like Slim Jim’s? Seems both are on the immediate cards, anyway, with Kitts gaining a Sloaney speakeasy sister, Barts, in March, and Clapham growing a more humble Peacock Coffee Bar as I write. The country might be broke, but damn if we’re going to let that interrupt our drinking, clearly.

Super Soft Launch

I really don’t understand PRs sometimes. My job would be rather more difficult without them, certainly. Just this week, for example, two of my favourite PRs were struck down in the recession cull, and already I feel tangibly less in touch with their brands. But then, when I receive an invitation to this week’s “launch party” for a bar that’s been open for more than two months (our beloved Callooh Callay, no less), one must wonder quite where to draw the line beneath “soft launch”. Any softer and this one would be jelly. Albeit jelly with fantastic taste in flock and a mean version of an Aviation.

Seasonal Tipple

Snowstorms, icy roads, tax returns. Weather (and yes, that is indeed intentional, you grammatical fascists) it’s the pneumonia-inducing cold or crippling calculations that you’re escaping, this one’s for you. Just as nothing really spells spring to me like the sharp bite of the season’s first daiquiri, winter would be personally incomplete without the warming caress of the Whisky Mac. Take a large shot of Scotch (a meaty Skye, like Talisker, is perfect), and another of Ginger Wine (or down to 1/3 of a shot, if you prefer your whisky to shine), and bung them in a glass with ice. No shaker, no floral garnish, and only two ingredients: simply perfect.

Yours Gingerly,
The Bar Fly

Urban Junkies is a free newsletter delivering the very latest London launches, trends and events.


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