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Originally published on Sunday, 18th May 2008

Emma does

Emma Flexes


It's now been eight weeks since I handed my body over to Kinesis. The outsourcing project has been supremely successful, if I do say so myself. Not only has my body improved ­ with the helpful edition of long, lean muscles - but I'm standing taller, my posture is better and my body feels, well, supple, like my spine and limbs have been stretched. I'm remarkably more flexible.

But the best thing, by far, is how less stressed I am, on a daily basis.

Away on a work trip, I had to skip my weekly sessions. I didn't think much of it, until the creeping anxiety started to seep in, tensing my neck and back. Like a friend you don't appreciate until they are gone, my sessions at Kinesis sometimes seemed like a bit of a chore: rushing away from work and waking up early on a Saturday morning to make classes. But missing Kinesis, I realised how much the sessions contributed to my overall well-being and piece of mind, not to mention improving my figure. There is a piece of mind, knowing someone else is in charge of my body.

And so, I'm hooked. So much so that I've signed up for a twenty future sessions. It might not feel pleasant to peel myself out of bed so early in the morning, especially with a killer hangover. But after, leaving Kinesis, walking out into the sunshine of a Portobello morning ­ I can't tell you how good I feel.

And that's what's really important.

Kinesis Studios

by EC

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