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Originally published on Wednesday, 15th October 2008

Party Pics

Diesel Circus Photos

London gets New Young Pony Club & Paris Hilton; Barcelona gets an army of circus freaks. Not that Paris isn't a little freaky too… Still, this is Barcelona. And every night in BCN is party night. So check out how the Diesel xXx event went down over there…

And the near-impossible was achieved: Just about everybody arrived on time. Except, of course, the generator trucks, causing an hour and a half delay before the gates opened, in a blackout best forgotten.

I tried to put myself in Renzo Rosso's shoes, as if I hadn't jetted off to the closing party, thrown some six hours later in New York. I would've had a nervous breakdown trying stage 17 renditions of an "xXx Rock+Roll Circus", with musicians and acts trying to conjure the decadent fanfare of a Europe past.

Crèpes and hotdogs available to buy, at a party held at supper time. Lots of Tiger beers and a drink per head, though. But before long, the mixers were out and shortly after, the beer was, too.

In even shorter supply were Hefner's bunnies that were promised the in the ad. But, hey, a party is a party, and in Barcelona we aren't too hard to please. After all, tomorrow is another day..

Texto and photos by JCA

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

Diesel xXx Rock+Roll Circus Barcelona

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