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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Wednesday, 8th April 2009



Fulham Broadway is not exactly my favourite part of London. It's one of those places that I'm always expecting to suddenly get all chi-chi but, apart from the odd juice bar appearing, seems quite content being a bit crap.

So on hearing that a new gastropub had opened just off Dawes Road I can't say I was falling over myself to make the trip there, but I'm pleased to report that it was worth the (slightly depressing) journey.

Salisbury is nice and spacious, with table footie and a central bar dividing the drinkers and diners. Starters come in the form of small 'tapas' dishes - like grilled scallop with mash and truffle oil and feta, mint, pea and broad bean salad -  that you're supposed to order a few of to share, but mains are proper mains - shoulder of slow-cooked lamb in roast tomato sauce and herb-crusted salmon with Thai spiced cucumber - often served in those no-nonsense blue and white enamel dishes or on rustic wooden boards. And honey madeleines with chocolate truffle make a wholly satisfying pudding.

Gastropubs come and go but I have an inkling that the combination of Jamie Sherriff (former Zucca owner, now landlord of the Spencer Arms in Putney) and Adrian Jones (a chef with more names under his apron than a Zagat Guide) could be a bit of a winner.

Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-12pm • Sun 11am-11pm
21 Sherbrooke Road, SW6 7HX
020 7381 4005

by SL

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