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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Thursday, 18th June 2009



This Franco-Japanese locale is one of those places that, since its arrival six and a half years ago, has seemed to get just about everything right.

Airy and elegant during the day, low lit and a little bit louche in the evening, the food is that now familiar blend of oriental and European flavours that London has yet to tire of, and the service is close to perfect. It's no wonder they've picked up a few awards along the way.

Paper-thin curls of crispy squid, Canadian Blue lobster tempura with wasabi mayonnaise, black cod with miso (don't worry, all the fish is sustainable) and a delectable caramellised aubergine are some of the dishes you can expect. And as puddings seem to be the one thing they're not quite so good at your already healthy bill will be that bit happier without.

Wine, however, is one of their strong points - Head Sommelier Matthew Mawtus has won endless accolades for his knowledge of terroirs and general suaveness - and not only is their Les Vins de L'Etranger wing now a wine boutique during the day but they've also just launched an online wine cellar.

So if you've forgotten to get the old man something for Father's Day get on the phone and book a table or order some booze - don't be a stranger.

Hours: Mon-Fri & Sun 12-3pm • Mon-Sun 6-11pm (Sun 10pm)
Place: 36 Gloucester Road, SW7 4QT
Cost: £60
Web: etranger.co.uk
Book: 020 7584 1118

by SL

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