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Sometime we wonder who runs this town.

Trust the media, and London's most powerful folks are the art college graduates. Every year, we kick ourselves for not investing in the next YBA when we had the chance.

Yes, it's that time of year again, as the capital braces itself for the graduate art show season. The St Martins extravanganza is next month, and Free Range taking over the Truman Brewery as early as next week.

Inevitably, the grad shows are billed as your opportunity to discover the next Hirst or Emin. But unless you know your stuff, you're far more likely to walk out of there having paid for something which will depreciate quicker than an ice cube.

Be thankful, then, that someone has already gone to the trouble of sorting this year's Saatchi bait from the tat. The Anticipation exhibition, which opens today, is designed to showcase the cream of London's MA and BA students, as chosen by three of the UK's top curators.

It's kind of like X Factor for artists, with Kay Saatchi taking the place of Simon Cowell, but it's also a fantastic indicator of what the art crowd are into for 2007 and the kind of thing you should have one eye on at the grad shows.

And if those things are chandeliers made out of Hoover fluff, well then, who are we to argue?

Anticipation - Thu May 24-Sat June 9
111 Great Titchfield Street, SE1 - 020 7637 0868
11-6pm Tuesdays to Saturdays

by RH
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