Art & The City - 8-10 December 2004
Dress down and doll up

Here's a cut-out-and-keep Urban Junkies for you.

Girls, print it out & slip it in your boyfriends' pockets.

Boys, take heed - for this is one suggestion that'll leave your lady lovin' you till, ooh... next December at least.

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Loud yank, but a funny one: Margaret Cho. 7:30pm. New Players, 14 Villiers St, WC2. £25. 0870 154 4040 or here.

Madame JoJos hosts Coates' quirky [The Real] Tuesday Weld. 8pm-1am. 8 Brewer St, W1. £7. 020 7734 3040.

Glaswegian bleak-popsters The Delgados play at Koko. 8pm. Camden High St, NW1. £20. 0870 154 4040 or here.

Hotfoot it to Emporiana - a new luxury lingerie store on Poland Street that swung open its doors last week.

The boutique - styled like Monty Python's Flying Circus - features undies so wonderful that they'll leave everybody smiling; and unlike other lingerie brands, they're not at all tacky.

Think stuff that demanding and stylish ladies really want to clothe their parts in: vintage-esque big knickers, baby-dolls, French knickers, ruffled camisoles, pretty lace thongs, bed jackets and nylon stockings.

Write us with ideas, feedback and comments, or if you have information about events

Matthew Bourne's torso fest, all-male Swan Lake returns to Sadler's Wells. 7:30pm. Rosebery Av, EC1. £10-45. 0870 737 7737 or online.

Folk electronica at 93 Feet East from Ben Christophers. 7:30pm. 150 Brick Lane, E1. £9. 0870 154 4040 or here.

The fabrics are lush, the colours are rich and the styles are briliantly beautiful. This is the lingerie that boudoir dreams are made of.

Just what we've always been waiting for. It sure beats a cheap black thong and nipple tassels (boys, when's she really ever going to wear those?).

Emporiana, 56 Poland Street, W1
Prices from £15 - £150.


Art & The City - 8-10 December 2004

The Faint play Mean Fiddler. 7pm 165 Charing X Rd WC2 £11. 0870 154 4040 or here.

Buy a celebrity Art Vespa at Sketch. 8:15pm. 9 Conduit St, W1. £75. 020 7793 1011.

See the oldies play: Masters Tennis at Royal Albert Hall. Kens Gore, SW7. £7.50-85. 020 7589 8212 or online.

The Beta Band plays tonight at Sheps Bush Empire. 7pm. £15. 08700 600 100 or here.

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