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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Wednesday, 30th April 2008

What's for Supper


Rice seems to be the achilles heel for many people learning to cook. People either boil and drain it like pasta, or they stir it ruthlessly and end up with a porridge-like mush. The secret? Just enough water, a gentle simmer, and then finally - neglect.

Rice is an anti-social creature and once you have added your liquid to it, it is best left alone to gently cook in peace and quiet. All that poking and lid-lifting and stirring will only make it rebellious. Think of it as a feisty teenager minus the punk music and tattoos.

If you have had some bad rice experiences and are relying on boil-in-the-bag, I encourage you to take a deep breath and give one of these rice recipes a shot. I've even included one that you can make into a cocktail as encouragement.

Horchata Coconut & Cardamon Rice Saffron & Sour CHerry Pilaf with Minted Yoghurt

Jennifer Klinec from Eat Drink Talk has kindly agreed to provide Urban Junkies readers with mouthwatering recipes and foodtips.

To learn more, classes at Eat Drink Talk are held in Jennifer's beautiful loft in Clerkenwell, packed with information and useful tips, and you'll get to sample all of the delicious dishes prepared during class.

by JK

In collaboration with Eat Drink Talk

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