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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Friday, 6th June 2008

What's for Supper


Raw Deal


A few weeks ago I was asked to review a sushi bar for London Eating. With items like 'chicken escalope' and 'grilled salmon and brie' maki rolls on the menu, it felt like the dining equivalent of listening to a boy band - sanitised, condescending and a little bit wrong. Perhaps the time has come to embrace what is being termed 'the new sushi': ceviches.

Little bowls of raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juice which gently 'cooks' the fish by turning it opaque (the acid in the juice literally 'denatures' the protein), ceviche is a delicious way to prepare and serve fish and as there is no actual cooking involved it couldn't be easier. The only important thing with ceviche is to use the best quality fish that you can get (ask your fishmonger for sushi-grade fish).

In North America ceviche bars are opening up in New York and Chicago by the score. Be a little ahead of the curve in London by making your own ceviches at home. Here are three recipes to get you started.

Cambodian Raw Fish SaladTune Ceviche on Crostini
Lobster Ceviche with grapefruit and Vanilla Oil

Jennifer Klinec from Eat Drink Talk has kindly agreed to provide Urban Junkies readers with mouthwatering recipes and foodtips.

To learn more, classes at Eat Drink Talk are held in Jennifer's beautiful loft in Clerkenwell, packed with information and useful tips, and you'll get to sample all of the delicious dishes prepared during class.

by JK

In collaboration with Eat Drink Talk

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