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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Friday, 18th July 2008

What's for Supper


The Steaks are High


Tired of tapas, bored of fusion and sushi won't do it anymore? Sometimes all we want a slab of beef - a charred, juicy and unashamedly big hunk of steak and we want it now. Here are three delicious recipes to have your steak and eat it too.

It happens to all of us. We hit a moment when we are tired of tapas, bored of fusion and sushi just won't do it anymore. What we are really craving is a return to our caveman roots. We want a hunk of meat - a charred, juicy slab of steak and nothing else will do.

If like me, you take your steak seriously, you'll want to ensure that you start out with a worthy piece of beef. Try and find a decent butcher and aim for a piece of naturally reared beef that has been hung for at least 28 days. A good piece of beef should look dry and be a deep maroon colour around the edges - a world apart from that mushy, blood red meat sitting on polystyrene that you'll find at most supermarkets.

Finally, to get the best flavour out of our steak, don't be afraid to salt generously and ensure that your pan or heat source is good and hot to give your steak a nice crust. I think meat tastes its best cooked over a wood fire - but as that is a luxury most of us can only dream about, a heavy frying pan will also do nicely.

Here are 3 recipes to guarantee carniverous bliss.

Ribeye with ChimichurriThai Beef Salad
The Ultimate Steak Sandwich

Jennifer Klinec from Eat Drink Talk has kindly agreed to provide Urban Junkies readers with mouthwatering recipes and foodtips.

To learn more, classes at Eat Drink Talk are held in Jennifer's beautiful loft in Clerkenwell, packed with information and useful tips, and you'll get to sample all of the delicious dishes prepared during class.

by JK

In collaboration with Eat Drink Talk

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