
Flexi Time

All about you

Copyright Soho House Works White City Tapestry Room

Gone are the days where you take what you’re given. These days, how you work, live and travel is up to you. Three new businesses are paving the way, with options that actually make your life easier.

On the hotel front, our ears definitely perked up when we heard about The Hoxton Hotel’s ‘flexy time’. Check out whenever you want to? With no fee? What’s the catch? The amazing thing is, there doesn’t seem to be one, as long as you book online, 72 hours before your stay. Wow. No more last minute pleading with the front desk or exorbitant fees; this is truly a game changer.

Communal, all-inclusive work spaces are nothing new – we’ve all seen the WeWork neon – but chic work spaces? In environments that you actually want to spend work days in? After a brief twirl around the new Soho Works in White City, it was clear just how far this model has come. Kitchens that feel like your rich friend’s parents’ house. Meeting rooms that feel like something straight out of the Upper East Side – a slightly updated design direction for the group, which is nice. Podcast rooms that take the hassle out of recording, private rooms that make important calls a breeze, and Soho House touches like drink carts on Fridays definitely elevate the offering. Sign. Us. Up.

As for living, we will preface this with not sure we’d live here, but for interest’s sake: The Collective claims to be the world’s largest co-living space, offering flexible flats for somewhat reasonable fees. With two London locations, this seems to be as close as you’re going to get to an updated, more sophisticated university dorm, without the contractual commitments. Here you can rent flats from 1-89 days (short stays), and then there are packages for 4-12 months. Everything is included of course (gym, broadband, 24/7 concierge, bills, cleaners) and the Canary Wharf location has the new restaurant Mthr (that name…) on the 20th floor.

Life becoming easier to organise? We’ll take it.

Originally published on
25th November 2019


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